#Shure SM7B
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miscastjoe · 1 year ago
My latest video is a review of the Shure SM7dB. Is this the final step in the evolution of the SM7 microphone? Come check out the video and see for yourself.
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chriselison · 2 years ago
Cannons - Golden (Harry Styles cover). Liked this, especially as she’s singing into a Shure SM7B, one day you will be mine!
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8cfc00 · 4 months ago
born to podcast forced to not be able to pronounce r sounds. someone get me out of here
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moonchild6279 · 9 months ago
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im planning to go hard on my audio so imma plan to buy all of this in total: $647.17 in appox taxes (not including shipping)
this will cost a lot so I don't expect to get here soon :/
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newspatron · 11 months ago
Blue Yeti Microphone Review: Is It Worth the Hype?
Is the Blue Yeti the ultimate mic for content creators? We dive deep into its features, uses, and potential drawbacks in our comprehensive Blue Yeti microphone review.
The Blue Yeti: Debate, Hype, and Your Audio Upgrade The Blue Yeti microphone review is here. Blue yet has become a fixture in the world of content creation. You’ve seen it on YouTube, heard it on podcasts, and perhaps even considered grabbing one for yourself. But amidst the hype and passionate opinions—both for and against—it’s hard to know if the Blue Yeti is truly the right tool for the…
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year ago
Oof. The dub of Shin Godzilla is already one of the worst I've experienced and I'm 5 minutes in. No option to change the audio track in the settings. I don't normally rent movies, but I can't get off the couch and my Plex server is downstairs.
The audio sounds like a poorly produced podcast. Like all the dubbers sat around a table of Shure SM7Bs and did a first reading of the script directly after a nap.
"And now let's talk about today's sponsor, HelloFresh..."
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alien-melissa · 8 months ago
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 - 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰★
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2022年にバンドを結成されたカナダを拠点に活動するシューゲイズバンドThe Neverminds。
『never mind,the summer 』 『nevermind, the winter 』では夏と冬の別々のコンセプトでリリースし、どちらも儚い青春時代の夢をみているような感覚に......
来日公演が目前に迫ったThe Nevermindsにインタビューを行った。メンバーそれぞれが答えてくれている。
G - Ginny
V- Vincent
R - Ronan
A - Avi
G - バンドを始めるまで、自分で音楽を作ったことはありませんでした。 それまでは、ギターを少し弾くことはあっても、音楽はいつも私の趣味でした。そのおかげで、このバンドにいる間に曲作りについて多くのことを学ぶことができたと思います。
V - 中学生の時に自分で曲を作り始めて、高校生の時にGarageBandでプロデュースを始めたんだ。プロデュースを始めると、ベースやピアノ、ドラムなど他の楽器も独学で覚えた。高校ではバンドのためにたくさんの曲をアレンジした。Logic Proを使ったレコーディングや、様々な楽器のパートを書いたりアレンジしたりする方法を知っていたから、これらの経験はすべてネヴァーミーズで役立ったよ。
R - 9歳か10歳くらいから自分で曲を書き始めて、徐々にミュージシャンになることを真剣に考えるようになったんだ。
A - 去年の9月にバンドに加入して、みんなと一緒に音楽を作る喜びを感じている。6歳からドラムを叩いていて、人生のほとんどを音楽制作に費やしてきたんだ。
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G - 僕の両親は昔から音楽が好きで、僕が小学生の時にギターを習い始めた時、父がギターの弾き方を教えてくれたんだ。中学では学校のロックバンドに入り、文化祭で演奏していました。仲の良い友達とバンドを組んだことが学生時代で一番楽しかったし、その頃からずっとバンドを組んで友達と一緒に音楽を作りたいと思っていたんだと思う。だからnevermindsを始めた。
V - 最初に習った楽器は中学の時のウクレレ。それから独学でギターも弾けるようになって、学校で他の友達とジャムを始めたんだ。クラスメイトが給食のテーブルを囲んで、適当な曲を歌ったりジャムったりして、最終的には高校でバンドを作ったんだ。
R 小さい頃、父親がアコースティックギターを持っていて、時々弾いていた。
A - 生まれたときから音楽に夢中だった。
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3.ニューEP『nevermind, the winter』のコンセプト、制作、レコーディングについて教えてください。
G 「"nevermind, the winter. "は、1st EP "nevermind, the summer. "の姉妹作/続編にあたります。
V - “nevermind, the summer. "について、夏のEPでは
また、"hunt me "のイントロや "dusk "のエンディングで聴ける音を作るために、ギターにバイオリンの弓を使った。ヴォーカルはShure SM7Bを使って録音した。Shure SM7Bは遮音されていない部屋で使うのに適したマイクで、私のタウンハウスのベッドルームですべてを録音したので、私たちにとっては完璧だった。
4. 周りのシーンをどう感じていますか?
V - トロントのバンド・シーンにはとても刺激を受けている。White Rabbit、Poor You、Brotherなど、トロントの様々なインディー・バンドと共演したことがある。これらのバンドは、単に知り合いだからというだけでなく、本物で、個人的で、心に響くような、生々しく素晴らしい音楽を作っているので、大ファンなんだ。彼らのようなバンドは、国際的にもっと注目されるべきだと思う
R- トロントのシューゲイザー・シーンは、かなり小さいとはいえ、今でもかなり素晴らしいと思う。例えば、Luster Dustと一緒にプレイできたことは信じられないことだと思う。
A - 地元トロントのシューゲイザー/オルタナティヴ・ロック・シーンにいるバンドたちに会うのが大好きなんだ。Luster Dustのようなバンドに触発されて、自分たちのライブ・サウンドをもっと頑張ろうと思うようになったよ。
G- トロントのシーンで好きなバンドはもうみんな答えてくれたから、私は別のことを話すと、私たちは最近、"loveless collective "という音楽とアートの集団を作りました。このコレクティブは、トロント内外のシューゲイザー/ドリームポップバンドとつながり、彼らを巻き込んだショーやイベントを企画するために作りました。自分たちの音楽を発表する場を持つことで、シューゲイザー・シーンがもっと活性化する手助けをするのが私の目標です。
G - 日本のシューゲイザーバンドが大好きで、揺らぎ、my dead girlfriend、Tokyo Shoegazer、宇宙ネコ子、きのこ帝国、For Tracy Hydeなど。ボーカロイドのシューゲイザーも大好きで、mikgazerは史上最高のシューゲイザー・アルバムだと思います。シューゲイザー・シーン以外では、ヨルシカとEveも大好き。
V - 日本のアーティストで好きなのは、杉山清貴と山下達郎。日本の80年代シティポップ時代の音楽が大好きです。
R -15歳か16歳くらいのときに二藤一花にハマって、今でも時々彼の曲を聴いているんだ。
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G- 日本にいる間に大阪と名古屋を訪れる予定です。   旅行したり、街を探索したり、そこの食べ物を楽しんだりするのがとても楽しみです。他のバンドがいろんなライブハウスで演奏するのを見るのも楽しみ。みんなにとって素晴らしい経験になると思います。
G - ツアーに出ることは僕らの最大の目標のひとつだったから、キャリアの早い段階でそれが実現できて本当に感謝している。もうひとつの目標は、もっと音楽を作って、シューゲイザー・シーンでもっと多くのアーティストとつながって、ミュージシャンとしてもっとうまくなることだね。
G - Ginny V - Vincent R - Ronan A - Avi
1. When did you start creating music and how has that led to the neverminds it exists today?
G - I had never really made my own music until right before we started the band. Before that, music was always just a hobby for me even though I played guitar a little bit. I think I'm learning so much about songwriting while being in this band because of that
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V - I started writing my own songs in middle school and began producing in high school on GarageBand. When I began producing, I taught myself other instruments such as bass, piano and drums. I would also arrange a bunch of songs for my band in high school. All of these experiences would help me in the neverminds as I knew how to use Logic Pro to record our music as well as write/arrange various instrument parts for our songs.
R - I started writing my own stuff when I was about 9 or 10 and slowly got more and more serious about being a musician.
A - I joined the band last September and have had the pleasure of creating music with everyone. I’ve been playing drums since I was 6 and making music most of my life.
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2. How did the members first get into music?
G - My parents always loved music and my dad taught me how to play guitar when I first started learning guitar in elementary school. I joined a school rock band in middle school and played at school festivals. Being in the band with my close friends was the most fun part of my school years and I think since then I always wanted to be in a band and make music together with friends. That’s why I started the neverminds in the first place.
V - The first instrument I learned was the ukulele in middle school. I then taught myself how to play guitar as well and started to jam with my other friends at school. Our classmates would gather around the lunch table and we would sing and jam out to random songs and eventually we created a band in high school.
R - when i was a little kid my dad had an acoustic guitar that he sometimes played and i just wanted to play super bad
A - I’ve been into music since birth.
3. Please tell me about the concept, production and recording of the new EP “nevermind, the winter”?
G - “nevermind, the winter.” is a sister/sequel album to our first ep “nevermind, the summer.” In the summer ep, we tried to capture a nostalgic and melancholic summer and adolescence while the winter ep talks more about heavy emotions - loneliness, isolation, heartbreak and the feeling of waking up from a dream you can’t remember anymore. After coming up with these concepts for both EPs, the ideas for the lyrics followed and were written to fit the intention of the album. After we finished our songs, we carefully curated the tracklist so that the whole EP could flow well and create stories together. Every track works as different chapters of the same book, and I hope people who listen to our EP can feel as though they are reading our story.
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V - For “nevermind, the summer.” " guitars and bass were recorded simultaneously straight into an audio interface over a drum track while live drums were recorded separately, however, for the new EP we experimented with more complex recording techniques and overdubbing to have more creative control over our sound. We recorded all guitar and bass parts individually through both DI and microphone using a Fender twin reverb and an Ampeg BA. A new technique we implemented for recording drums this time was using a room mic. Overall, we played around a lot with different mic placements to achieve more unique tones and effects as well as experimented with a lot of new guitar pedals. We also implemented the use of a violin bow on the guitar to create the sound that can be heard in the intro of “haunt me” and the ending of “dusk”. Vocals were recorded using a Shure SM7B which is a good microphone to be used in untreated rooms which was perfect for us since we recorded everything in my townhouse bedroom. However, we got several noise complaints from neighbours during the recording of this EP because of the long hours of recording very loud sounds.
4. how do you feel about the scenes around you? Do you have any connections with other bands?
V - I am very inspired by the band scene in Toronto. We have played with various toronto indie bands such as White Rabbit, Poor You and Brother. These are all bands who I am a big fan of not just because they are our acquaintances but because they make raw and amazing music that feels genuine, personal and heartfelt. I think bands like them need more attention internationally.
R - I think the shoegaze scene in Toronto, even if it’s pretty small, is still pretty great. I think it’s incredible that we’ve gotten to play with Luster Dust, for example.
A - I’ve loved meeting some of the bands in the local Toronto shoegaze/alternative rock scene. Bands such as Luster Dust have really inspired us to work harder on our live sound.
G - Everyone already answered my favourite bands in the Toronto scene so I want to talk about something different. We recently made a music and art collective called ‘loveless collective’. We made this collective to connect with shoegaze/dreampop bands in and out of Toronto and organize shows/events involving them. Our goal is to help the shoegaze scene become more active by having a platform to showcase their music.
5. Are there any Japanese artists you listen to?
G - I love Japanese shoegaze bands, such as Yuragi, my dead girlfriend, Tokyo Shoegazer, Uchuu Nekoko, kinokoteikoku, For Tracy Hyde and so on. I also love Vocaloid shoegaze, I think mikgazer is the best shoegaze album of all time. Apart from shoegaze scene, I also love Yorushika and Eve.
V - Some of my favourite Japanese artists are Kiyotaka Sugiyama and Tatsuro Yamashita. I love music from the 80s city pop era of Japan.
R - when i was about 15 or 16 i got really into ichika nito and i still listen to his stuff from time to time
A - No, but I hope that will change after the tour.
6. What are you looking forward to doing when you come to Japan?
G - We are visiting Osaka and Nagoya while we are there. We are very excited to travel and explore the city, and enjoy the food there. We are also looking forward to watching other bands play at different live houses. I feel like it will be a great experience for all of us.
7. What are your current/dream goals for the upcoming?
G - Going on a tour was one of our biggest goals, so we’re really grateful that we get to that so early in our career. Another goal would be to make more music, connect with more artists in the shoegaze scene and become better as musicians.
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The Neverminds
Instagram@thenvrminds ←
X @thenvrmindsband←
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vyl3tpwny · 1 year ago
i really your production and mastering sm!!!! would like to know what kind of equipment you use to record and master (microphone, monitors, headphones and etc.)
rn i use sennheiser hd600 headphones and shure sm7b microphone. i have speakers but i literally never use them to make music i do everything on my headphones. also you dont need the stuff i have to make music of the same quality. you could do a blue yeti and some audio technica m40xs and that gets you all the way tbh. i also use a scarlett for my audio interface and a novation midi keyboard.
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bones4thecats · 7 months ago
It is currently 3:54 in the morning where I'm at and I haven't slept one bit.
I have literally been sitting in my bed for over 5 hours reading a bunch of fanfic, listening to music, and watching maybe to much youtube. I need to set up a medical appointment soon, suspecting I have a hormonal issue that is making my 'times of the week' a lot more difficult to bear. By that, I mean by I don't get them for almost 1/2 of a year, and when they return they are a son of a fucking bitch to handle. Basically, cramps have kept me up and I just wanted something to do out of sheer boredom.
Anyways, I have a surprise coming out here soon. It's about requests and my fandoms. So, stay tuned. Y'know what screw it I'll just announce it now.
(I'm literally pouring what I'm thinking onto my keyboard and on this post so bear with the confusion and small rant plz)
Now to the surprise. I am possible
Hint the word
adding two previous fandoms back onto this list. While the names are not going to be revealed yet, I will make the post tags lists and the characters as well and have the announcement with their names come out right before posting them.
Also, I am posting a couple things from my Upcoming Pieces List because I have been needing to get that thing trimmed down for a while but have been busy with having requests come through first.
Okay I'm gonna make this quicker because my pelvic area feels like it wants me to suffer the physical amount of pain that I felt after watching Optimus die in the og series' movie.
These parts'll come out here soon and I will end up releasing a monthly schedule that shows days I plan on having requests open and I'll probably have vacation days on there as well. P.S: be aware that I may be posting random shit about 'The Dark Crystal'
Idk why but I watched a video made by TheOdd1sOut and have practically fallen head-over-heals for the movie. I literally saw the puppets and went 'childhood nostalgia: unlocked'. You guys should also go check out TheOdd1sOut, the guy is a boss when it comes to making entertaining content for somebody like me to watch. I watched like 3 minutes of his review of 'The Dark Crystal' movie from 1982 and went;
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Just a heads up! Now, enjoy the rest of your morning/nights. Idk where y'all live so pick one ig... I need some goddamn sleep... if anyone has a solution to a comfortable sleeping position when on your period please leave a comment for me to see because I NEED THE REST. MY SLEEP SCHEDULE IS SHITTING BUT THIS IS WORSE THAN NORMAL.
Or if you have another over the counter medication name that helps with periods (other than Midol, I need to get more soon)
Thanks y'all for listening to me half-awake and painfully-not-thought-through announcement!! Love you guys to bits!!!
Btw here's a link to TheOdd1sOut in case you do wanna check his videos out;
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cottoncandylesbo · 2 years ago
so. i have to get a new microphone, the tech breaking is not a bit. I'm looking into Shure mics (the sm7b looks about what I need) since I've heard a lot of good shit about em. if anyone knows anything about good ass mics (under let's say $400, i want one that'll last a long time but not leave me in absolute poverty for a couple months) please let me know cuz I'll take any info I can get.
or if anyone has anything even equivalent to a blue yeti (or better ofc) they don't need/want anymore hmu and I might buy it off you.
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crguang · 6 months ago
Hi!! Since fuckboy Kafka and reader are in a "long distance relationship" (?) I guess. I can imagine Kafka bringing a microphone like shure Sm7b (ehm, for better quality) whenever we meet to record our voice and moan. Whenever she does her shady job, instead of playing some classical music, she plays the recording of our moan.
Maybe one day, she will upload the voice recording to YouTube or Website without our consent. since R trying so hard to move on from Kafka (with Himeko's advice) She did that to gain our attention cuz we always ignore her phone call & message.
Please let me know if u are uncomfortable with this kind of thought.
Anyway, my hiking adventure is worth it and I really enjoy the moment. The mountain elevation is around 3200, so yeah it's tiring.
okay i think consensually recording sex is one thing but sharing it without consent is literally just revenge porn and i dont like that😭 i think kafka could do a lot of unnecessary stuff for attention/to annoy someone else but that’s not one of them… i cant even imagine the anxiety that would come with being done dirty like that. she’s the type to show up at your door randomly or send a hundred gifts to your house for days so you have to call her and tell her to fuck off😭 but no, revenge porn is not something im comfortable with </3
glad you enjoyed the hike it definitely wouldve killed me lmaooo
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weaseltotheface · 8 months ago
The amount of people I see on youtube who have the same 700 dollar mic and not using it correctly is soooo frustrating
Bestie the shure sm7b is a dynamic mic and needs to be pointed AT YOUR MOUTH and 3-4 inches away it is not a side address condenser mic why is it sideways please im begging you to stop buying things if you're not gonna learn how to use them
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themintsimmer · 6 months ago
What recording software do use and what mic ?
hi! i use obs to record and i have a shure sm7b microphone ♡
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genghisyajj · 1 year ago
Shure SM7b, focusrite scarlett, cloudlifter 15db. aka, my 3 weed smoking girlfriends
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kettnercreative · 2 years ago
The Volt 276 has 55dB of gain. Depend... https://kettnercreative.com/audio-interface/volt-275-gain/
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wouldvebeensweet · 1 year ago
why do i actually listening to new heights. like two men talking about a sport i know next to nothing about.... is entertaining to me? ?? never thought i’d say such a positive thing about men with shure sm7b mics
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